He Left Me For Another Woman

It’s painful to let go of the one you love

Zinat Arif
7 min readMay 21, 2021
Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash

“Experience is the toughest teacher because she gives the test first, then the lesson.” — Anonymous
My man leaves me for another woman, I wonder if he was my man or not, did he loved me ever, why he left me, as he played with me, a lot of questions surround my mind and I was unable to find answers like why he left me. Wasn’t I pretty enough or he starts loving another girl. He was my best friend from my childhood which ended up in relation for 4 years but a lot of clutches come and suddenly our relationship ended but still, we were talking but another girl comes into his life and he starts loving her and start hiding everything from me and then another girl which he starts loving was my best friend sister, suddenly she also hides things from me I just can’t believe that the person close to me can change so much I was hurt but couldn’t help my self, the only option left was to move on and let them go and I do the same I move on in my life and leave them but they leave me. It’s not an easy situation to be in. But I think that very difficult time for every girl and here in this time no consolation help, but the only thing you can do to yourself is to accept the reality that he is gone he is not there for you anymore. You need to accept that whatever happened is reality and as soon as you accept the reality you will move on because acceptance will set you free. Acceptance is the only solution to recover your all depression

Acceptance sets us free.

It is imperative to accept that we cannot and will not be able to control many things within our lives. We need to learn to go with the flow. To accept.

If you are trying to forget the person you love to move on, then you are looking for freedom in the wrong place because the person will always be a part of history which mean that they will always be a part of you how could they not be they live within you through the movement that we’re shared and the memories that were created and this is at the heart of the problem you see you wanted to forget them you’ve created an inescapable vicious cycle. You want to forget them to move on you can’t forget them because they are a part of you so you don’t move on and as a result, you remain trapped and the cycle continues so what the answers? So what’s the answer you don’t need to forget them to move on, so stop trying to forget and realize that when resistance keeps us trapped acceptance will set us free

It is said when someone leaves you let them go. I just couldn’t. I stop texting him and stop calling him and in return, he never dare to call me he was so busy in his life with her that he almost forget me. It was completely shocking for me that how someone you spent your childhood on can forget you so easily I just could not believe that. when I share my story with one of my friend advise me and also motivates me she said to me
The guy who left you for another woman is a player. He tricked you and played with your emotions. I know it is difficult to move on but trust me you’re better off without him. His role in your life is over. Why are you thinking that he didn’t give you any reason for leaving? What could he have said? He knew you’re caring, loving, loyal and there’s nothing wrong with you. Everything is wrong with him. And the woman he has chosen, he’s going to leave her when his motives are fulfilled.

I know it hurts a lot. I can understand, really. But, I would suggest you to get over him. The first method is to reinvent your personality. You’re fine the way you are. You are doing this to feel good and cut all past memories with him.

But it was a very difficult time to let it go because I was emotionally physically attached to the person and changes in his behavior hurt me a lot but I could not do anything the only thing was to do is to remain silent I don’t even ask him that why he stop contacting what I have done wrong without any specific reason you left and replying to my massages I do nothing and move on in my life but I didn’t get over him the more I know about him and his girlfriend the more I feel hurt and jealous I do every possible action to get over him but I couldn’t make it out and he remains in my hurt. My friend console me and tell me that it’s okay it happened to everybody but it didn’t mean that you mourn it every single day.

You need to divert your mind and keep busy. You are lovely. You are brilliant. Any guy would be lucky to have you. He’s such a loser to do this. Sometimes, we have certain life lessons pending which is why certain relationships don’t work out. When the right man will come in your life, you will be glad that nothing else worked out because you will know he’s the one for you. Guys like him are only users and Casanovas. He can never be loyal to any girl, no matter how beautiful or kind or loyal. Karma will hit him, one day.

Practice Self-love. And yes, if he comes back and wants a second chance, never ever allow him in your life no matter how many persuasive tricks he uses. You deserve love, loyalty, respect and much more because you give all these things with your heart.

And yeah I recover myself from all depressed though and he is still my heart but I always pray that God remove him from my heart and here I want to share

What You Need to Know When Your Partner Leaves and when you follow these you life will be full of peace

1. It’s Over.

It’s very common for people who are hurting to believe that the relationship is no more they just don’t believe it some people who are physically, emotionally attached to the person it very hard to let it go it takes a lot of time but with time they accept it. I know it’s very difficult but it’s over when you accept that the relationship is over and you accept it so acceptance will set you free and you will rise you need to believe that he didn’t leave you but you left him and if he dam care so why should you care and if he comes back again don’t accept him it’s over and move one in your life you will find far better men then him

2. You’ll be mad that why you?.

When he left you you will be mad that why he left you without any reason why this happens. You. Start questioning if I wasn’t pretty enough It’s natural to ask those questions but you will probably never know the reason because your partner either (1) doesn’t know or (2) can’t bear to tell you the truth. People often try to justify being rejected by saying their partners were depressed, confused, lost in mid-life, over, whelmed, or came from a broken backfill of those things can indeed cause people to act in hurtful, or uncharacteristic ways, but when your partner devastates you on a grand scale, then you have to quit giving them a leave pass and look after yourself.

3. Accept that he is not right for you.

I’m not saying the relationship was never right, sometimes it was very right. Maybe it even felt perfect for a while. But people change (or don’t change at all) and that may lead you to want different things — or to be with different people. If your partner doesn’t want to be with you, then they are not right for you now. Let go. There is nothing more demeaning than clinging to a person who’d rather be somewhere else or with someone else. It won’t bring them back, either.

2.Know your worth.

You have to understand that him cheating has got nothing to do with you. we would have done the same to anyone else, that’s who he his.

You need to thank your stars that he showed his true colors, it could have been worse. Count your blessings and move on, you will be hurting yourself even worse if you maintain any proximity with this Toxic person.

5.Don’t waste your time
Don’t waste your time trying to figure out why. Obviously you are better than he is and you don’t know that any reason or explanation would even make sense. Just find something better, your new man will tell you what you want to know.



Zinat Arif
Zinat Arif

Written by Zinat Arif

English Literature Student. I love to Write. I write about books and Life.

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