How To Stop Overthinking Every Little Thing
5 simple things to end the cycle of overthinking.
Thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts become your reality. As Tony says, “Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.” This is something that the world’s most successful people realize – and the only difference between them and everyone else is that they have learned how to harness the power of thoughts to help them achieve.
What's overthinking?
Overthinking is going over (and over) what happened last week or last month, and second-guessing everything you said and did, not to mention imagining the worst possible outcomes on repeat.
It’s also known as ruminating, dwelling and worrying.
Overthinking is exhausting.
When you overthink, thoughts run circles around your head and you find yourself stuck in reverse unable to move forward. More so, you start coming up with bizarre ideas that totally contradict each other.
“I’m so excited for this job interview” transforms into “I wonder if they liked me” and then morphs into “oh, I’m so stupid! I shouldn’t have said that! I’m definitely not getting an offer.”
You start blaming yourself for things you didn’t do and worrying about scenarios that may or may not happen.
When you start overthinking the worries start circulating in your mind, and you are not able to solve the problem properly. You need to relax first have a cup of tea, and with a relaxed mind, take a piece of paper and write whatever, is in your mind after writing all the problems, on a piece of paper decide which thing to do first, and what not to do. Everybody is facing this overthinking problem because they are optimistic they need to change their way of thinking, everything starts with your mind first when, your mindset a goal and start working on that goal with a calm mind that is productive that will lessen the stress of mind, and also solve your problem without overthinking
5 simple and productive ways to stop overthinking
I experienced and had recovered I would like to share here in this article how I stop overthinking by simply follow these 5 ways.
1. Change The Story You Tell Yourself
I always used to say out loud: “I can never be on time. I’m not a morning person. I can’t commit to anything.” Well , guess what? I was never on time to meetings, I was always grumpy in the mornings and I couldn’t commit to anything — a job, a relationship or a side project.
That’s because we are the stories we told yourself
What you repeatedly say to yourself — and how you repeatedly describe yourself — is what you come to believe and be. Everything we do and experience stems from our identity and underlying set of beliefs.
The question is then, does the story you tell yourself empower you or hold you back?
Thoughts like “I’m an over-thinker” or “I always worry because I have so much on my mind” or “I’m not really good with making decisions and I overthink everything” do you more harm than good.
If this is the story you tell yourself, you need to stop immediately because it’s stripping away your power.
Instead, do this:
Identify those limiting beliefs and make it a conscious effort to stop yourself whenever you catch yourself voicing them. Immediately replace those negative narratives with positive, empowering thoughts: “I am in charge of my emotions”, “I think clearly” and, “I’m a decision-maker.”
This is how you change your self-perception and begin to win back your power.
2 Stop setting your day up for stress and overthinking.
You can’t totally avoid overwhelming or very stressful days.
But you can minimize the number of them in your month and year by getting a good job to your day and by not setting yourself up for unnecessary stress, overthinking and suffering.
2 things that help me with that are:
Get a good job. Can make you busy and can lessen your stress
Minimize your daily input.
Too much information, too many times of just taking a few minutes to check your inbox, Facebook, or Twitter account, or how your website is doing leads to more input and clutter in your mind as your day progresses and so it becomes difficult to think in a simple way.
3.Become a person of action.
When you know how to get started with taking action consistently each day then you’ll procrastinate less by overthinking.
Setting deadlines and a good tone for the day are two things that have helped me to become much more of person of action.
Taking small steps forward and only focusing on getting one small step done at a time is another habit that have worked really well.
It works so well because you do not feel overwhelmed and so you do not want to flee into procrastination or delay in your work this may help you avoid overthinking.
And even though you may be afraid, taking just a step is such a small thing that you do not get paralyzed in fear.
4.Don't think of what can go wrong, but what can go right.
We are so pessimistic about every single thing. Worry, fear, cause us to overthink every single thing. We always predicate that something wrong is going to happen, for example, our result is about to out and we had work a lot after all that hard work, we overthink about our result that nothing is going to be alright my grades will be less, we worry so much that in our mind there we create huge headache, start happening and it also weakens our thinking ability, so instead of thinking bad and wrong we need to start thinking positive. Because positive thought and positive thinking is one of the most powerful weapons which can change our thinking and can avoid overthinking
In many cases, overthinking is caused by a single emotion: fear. When you focus on all the negative things that might happen, it’s easy to become paralyzed. Next time you sense that you starting to spiral in that direction, stop. Visualize all the things that can go right and keep those thoughts present and upfront.
5.Distract yourself into happiness.
When you find out the movement that overthinking start at that movement distract yourself from overthinking and get your self busy in some house chores, TV, or start watching some cartoon that is only one of the way to avoid overthinking. Always think positively and positivity leads to happiness. The only think to distract self from happiness is by following this simple method.
Sometimes it's helpful to have a way to distract yourself with happy, positive, healthy alternatives. Things like mediation, dancing, exercise, learning an instrument, knitting, drawing, and painting can distance you from the issues enough to shut down the over analysis.
so are you ready to follow all these way to improve yourself and avoid overthinking.
Initially it will be tough but with passage of time everything will be okay and you will recover soon. in this article i share everything which i personally experience and i overcome the cycle of overthinking these simple ways are productive. everyone who are facing overthinking can try out these simple way and it will definitely help….