5 sign prove that you are taken as an option
You have already been dating for a short time now, and it feels like things are going well between the two of you. But that’s not the entire story just yet. There’s a lot more to it.
At one point or another, you’ve been on someone’s hook. You think that one day, all of a sudden, this person will turn around and put you above everyone else, and it will somehow morph into a perfect relationship.
Maybe you’re already in a relationship with this person and keep hoping things will get better, even though you’ve never been the first thing on this person’s mind. You probably don’t ask for much, but they’ve made you feel like it’s your fault for feeling the way you do.
It’s probably going to feel like the end of the world, but the worst kind of person is the person who drags you along and throws you on the back burner. You’ll never become the priority; life isn’t that nice and that guy (or girl) you’re dating will always be a jerk.
Men are more physical communicators than they are verbal ones. And if you want to know whether he considers you to be an essential part of his life or not, then you need to pay attention to what he’s doing and what his habits are when he’s around you. If you see that a lot of the things listed here apply to him, then it’s likely that you have a man who isn’t all that interested in being with you after all.
5 sign that you’re taken as an option, not a priority
1.He doesn’t make planning.
Your BF should want to see lots of you and get excited about your dates. It becomes a lot more difficult to do that if he consistently refuses to makes plans. When a guy is trying to arrange things to do and suggests activities, it shows that he wants to see you and make sure you have a good time. If he’s leaving all the work to you, he probably isn’t feeling it.
As kids, we let the world happen to us and go along with whatever someone else suggests. You’d hope that your guy would have more of a clue how to organize his time by his twenties. If he can’t be bothered to leave the house at an agreed time, make dinner reservations, or (God forbid) book a holiday, he might not be ready for a serious relationship. Planning is the foundation of a long term relationship
2. His behaviour shows he doesn’t want to be with you
In the early stages, a guy can get away with being a hopeless planner. As things get more serious, though, you need to trust that he’ll be able to commit. How will he cope with relationship milestones like moving in together if he can’t even think as far ahead as this weekend? The thought of trying to manage to have children with a planning refuser is an absolute nightmare.
And also Try not making any plans and see what he does. Your question suggests that at one time he did make plans. Will he again if given the chance?
You can always talk to him and ask if he still want to be with you and do things with you.
I think sometimes boys/men just get complacent and let the girl/woman make the plans. It could be nothing more than that.
3.He never really adjusts to your schedule
He never really adjusts to your schedule. It’s always you who is moving things around just to be able to meet up with him. But if he’s making it difficult for the two of you actually to find a spot for you in his life.
It’s a telltale sign that he’s taking you for granted and most probably is also talking to other girls at the side. when you say that a person can at least get one min from his busy schedule. If a guy isn’t ready to do even that it’s a clear sign he isn’t interested in the relationship anymore. Guys usually never stop talking to other girls on the sides however when they are new in a relationship they find it interesting to talk to their girl and later on that becomes boring and all too known. If a guy is interested in marrying you he either gives very clear signs or tries to make it happen fast and adjust to your schedule well. If a guy is continuously making work as an excuse, yet not giving you any clear signs from his side you need to start moving on
4.He doesn’t make an effort to reply to a text message
He doesn’t make an effort to reply to a text message that you send right away. He doesn’t think it necessary to ease your mind of worries or insecurities. He willingly lets you wait because you’re not important enough for him to take a few seconds just to pick up his phone and respond to a message that you’ve sent him.
5. Your partner does not seem to express any sign of interest in what you do or in your daily activities.
When you talk to them about something that concerns you, they often forget afterward. Moreover, your partner is losing interest in that you feel more like roommates than partners, even if you don’t live together. A tendency to do your separate things more often than not could spell trouble. This can include physical intimacy, but may also manifest as a general sense of distance and separation, like choosing not to spend holidays and special events together
It’s normal for couples to feel annoyed with each other now and again. But when their moods seem particularly agitated or avoidant, it could be a sign your partner is thinking about leaving.
I know when we love someone, we blindly allow things to happen that we wouldn’t normally allow happening. We forgive things we shouldn’t, we overlook things that need to not be overlooked, and we let things roll off our back that shouldn’t be rolling off our back. You’re not alone in this behavior, but where you can be different is by taking a moment to step outside yourself and the situation and see it for what it is. You may not like what you witness, but it’s the only way to get away from a vicious cycle of you be being the giver and him being the taker.